Slice of Life #9

   My day was going real smooth this morning I didn’t plan on doing anything, and it was a calm day. My plan I was imagining in my head as I was in Social Studies was too go to the bathroom during passing period.
   My Social Studies teacher dismissed us and I was one of the five people that were out in the hall. I’m basically walking, right? Just like a normal kid walking down a normal hallway. My knee cap just felt like it took a million punches and was being hammered down. And at that moment I fall and my accordion slides out of my hands along with my pencil case and planner. I hear some kid say “ouu Katelynn” but didn’t help me up. I roll over and get a hold of my leg I was about to start crying but I kept reminding myself to be strong. I rollover to sit down on the floor and right when I was going to try to get up, a nice teacher told me not to get up. As much as I wanted to get up I couldn’t. I said to the teacher “I’m okay I’ll try to get up I’ll be fine.” She said “no sweetie we’re going to call the nurse.”
  I was turning red because I had fifteen kids staring straight at me. I felt like getting up and telling them to get out of the way but the nice teacher was already doing that for me.
  The nurse came in seconds and I could just see the look on her face she looked more worried than I was. The nurse said “can you walk?” As much as I wanted to say “yes” and go about my day, I said “no.” So she ran back to the office to get me a wheelchair. While she was doing that the principal with a whole bunch of papers in her hand said “hi Katelynn, what are you doing on the floor?” And I said “I fell” and as she was going to call the nurse she said “oh, the nurse is coming with the wheelchair.” The conversation kind of ended there.
   The nurse came strolling in with the wheelchair and so she grabbed my stuff, got me on the wheelchair, and placed my stuff on my lap. She said “what class are you going to?” And I said “math, right there.” She took me to my math class and as we were walking well “rolling” in, I covered my face because I was a bit embarrassed. She said “where do you sit?” And I mumbled “in the back” and I also pointed to it, while still blocking my face. She asked the teacher if there was anywhere else closer to the door where I could sit well “Park” in. My math teacher said “yeah she could sit right there.”  Which was a counter top right next to the door. I put my head down on the counter top right after the nurse left. I had just remembered that I had to take a quiz. The whole falling thing really messed my day up.
  As my teacher was passing out the quizzes I was staring at the wall. I didn’t want to look back because I had the feeling someone was looking at me.
  When my teacher got to me she said “what happened to you honey?” I felt so warm inside because she’s never called me that before, so I guess it really hit her that I was in a wheelchair. Anyways I responded “I fell” and she said “oh you fell.” I was having reall short conversations today I guess I wasn’t in the mood. But yeah that’s what mainly happened today, until tomorrow see ya!


  1. My favorite line: "I was having reall short conversations today." Is your knee doing better?

    1. Yes, thank you. I’ve been focusing on trying to step on it and walk but only getting slightly far everyday. But I’m making progress, thanks for commenting!


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