Slice of Life #6

    This morning I woke up, as I'm slowly getting up I feel this tickle on my arma dn I rubbed it. Nothing was there which I thought was weird, so I start scratching it and as I see it turning red I start to see red bumps on my elbow. I also get tht esame feeling on my knee cap, and I started scratching my knee cap too. I see more and more red bumps as I scratch more. When I walked up to go to the bathroom, I was going to wash my hands at the sink and when I put soap on my hand I started washing my hands and the red bumps seemed to burn. I've never even gotten these red bumps, so I was obviously worried about what it was.
   Later, well probably more like ten minutes later I start noticing them on my face and I was really worried because now they ere on my elows, knees, and now my face. Some of the bumps were tiny and kind of hard to see, but I had bumps along the side of my face on left and right sides, and actually some in between my eyebrows.
   The whole entire day at school I was scratching my elbows and knee caps. I didn't have the red bump on m face anymore because I suppose they went away. I was also walking around the hallways very weird because my back was itching and I didn't want to reach my hands all the way up my back, so what I did was wallk weirdly so it could stop. Because the more is pick at it or scratch it the worse it gets.
  I went to the bathroom during ELA, and while I was on my way to the bathroom I had a pencil in my hand so I starting scratching my back it felt awkward because it was a mechanical pencil and the led kept breaking and it hurt of course more than a wood pencil. Someone was passing through the hall way to get something and they were just staring at me, and I guess I felt kind of crazy and weird. But maybe a lot of people have scratched themselves in the back with something that isn't their hand.
  When I got to the bathroom I was staring at myself in the mirror and I kept trying to pick at it but I knew I was going to cause myself more itching and that wasn't something I was looking forwards to. Then right at that moment I felt the same feeling as I got when it first started....a tickle on my ear. I start scratching like crazy and it turns more and more red. My ear was the last thing I wanted to touch because of the beeping noise I had yesterday. I actually still can't hear and have to yell out "WHAT?" a millionn times, but it's okay. I could actually get use to it, but I know that in a few weeks everyone will be more patient with me not being able to hear.


  1. So what were the itchy bumps? And you are not the first one to use something other than your hand to scratch your back! :)


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