Slice of Life #8

  As I stand up slowly to go open a banana, I smell something really good. I had no clue what it was but it smelled sweet and delicious. I take a big sniff to see if I could track the really good smell down, but I stopped sniffing just so I don't seem like a weirdo.
  I faced all four corners of the classroom and nothing was there. So as I'm slowly walking to the garbage can, actually thinking I was going to find something walked to the garbage can. And my lovely ELA teacher was standing there so I asked "do you smell that, it smells really good" "I don't know where it's coming from though." Ms. Haury said "no, I hope its not something in the garbage can that smells good." She finished that off woth a big smile and her big red cheeks. You see my teachers cheeks and smile are very noticable even from a mile away, you cann see the redness in her face.
  I sniffed the garbage can very slowly. I laughed at myself and told Ms. Haury "I am not sniffing the garbage can." She laughed at me, and I was still curious to know what the smell was. But as I was slowly walking back to my seat, the smell started drifting away from my nose, and guess what I run back to the garbage can to see if it was that. Because right when I walked away the smell went away. So I sniff the garbage can and sadly the smell wasn't there anymore. I walk away with a big frown on my face. I started giggling noticing how dumb I looked smelling a garbage can. But I had my reasons, it was a delightful smell, what can I say?
  But then I sat down because my teacher said it was time to start writing our Slice of Lifes. So I decided to write about me sniffing a garbage can. I think it was a really creative story because I've never read a blog post about a garbage can. I guess I had nothing going on for the rest of my day but it's okay hopefully this blog post was enough to entertain you guys for a bit, until tomorrow see ya!


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