Slice of Life #7

    It all happened when a kid bumped into my arm, when I started feeling the itchiness. I had left my arm alone for the day, and when someone would even bump into me it started again. I was so impatient to get home, it was crazy. I was scratching my whole body I couldn’t support it anymore. It’s like I was ready to rip my skin off and be done with everything, but I obviously knew that wasn’t the solution. It started on my hand too, and when it comes to my hands it’s really bad because of how boney my hands are.
   When I walked into my next class I didn’t feel like talking to anyone, the whole “hives” situation really killed my mood. And the day was actually going well because I wasn’t sick anymore and I didn’t have the pain in my ear. But of course the hives had to ruin it all. I sat down right in my seat and started slowly scratching my hand because it was itching, and when I do the redness was turning to vibrant that it looked like blood. I knew it wasn’t, but when it turned really red I stopped scratching before I actually did start bleeding. I already was so desperate to rip my skin off so I did the best thing and told the teacher. My teachers sweet voice that is calming and also is soft, might sound creepy but it actually is relaxing at times only if she isn’t screaming. I walked up to my teacher and said “Ms. Haury, my body really itches and I can’t manage anymore” and she said “you can go put cold water on your arms, or you can go to the nurse.” I told her “okay, thank you” and walked out of the classroom feeling like I was going on a journey or long quest through the hallway to the nurses office, well because it itched so much it felt like I was going tot take forever to go down the hall.
    I get to the nurses office and when I try opening it I end up slamming my face into the glass because it was locked. I knock, and I tried peeking in but she didn’t seem to be in her office. Then, right there I remembered that she was on her lunch break and so I had to go all the way around to the main office. It felt like I was going to take even longer to get to the main office but no it was right there around the corner. I get there and I was getting pretty frustrated because the lady who’s in the office wasn’t there, only a lady that was there for an elementary school was there. So I opened the door and took my chances... “hello can I have some Benadryl please” I said to the kind looking lady q“umm.. I can’t give you that myself, so I’ll call the nurse to see if she can come down here.” After that I didn’t say anything, the lady led me to the nurses office to wait, and I didn’t wait that long but I waited for a good 3 minutes.
     The nurse came and I stood up to show her the marks I had on my arm and my neck. She asked if I had ate something new or used any lotion. I said no because I didn’t, all I wanted was Benadryl. The more she decided to question me the more my body was itching and I was getting frustrated. She told me to call my mom to see if she could bring me Benadryl,


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