Slice of Life #20

  I’m at one of my friends house because I had slept over the night before. And I get up to go to the kitchen table where I sat at. I unlock my phone no suspecting nothing at all. I didn’t have any messages from anyone so I decided to open my email to see what I had got. I open it and see in bold lettering “Fortnite.” I get really excited and opened it, it said that I was ready to play Fortnite which is a video game that had just been transferred to mobile. I get so excited and start yelling and hopping around. I told my friend that I had gotten into Fortnite and she just rolled her eyes because she doesn’t really like that game she says it’s annoying. But I obviously don’t listen to her.
  I quickly open the app and I could barely type my login because of how excited I was to play. I had been waiting on the waiting list for about four days already and I had thought I wasn’t going to be able to play until next month.
  I signed into my account and while the page was loading I was still jumping around and squealing. I was so excited to play no one understood what the whole jumping and yelling thing was about. And I officially got in. I’ve been playing the game the whole entire day and got up 6 levels. I found it really entertaining, and I know it’s something I’m going to be playing daily.


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