Slice of Life #19

  As me and one of my friends climb the Dinosaur at Piper, we’re having doubts about getting on it. We were already climbing it but didn’t know wether or not we should keep climbing. The dinosaur was pretty high up, and it had a good view from the top. As I hop on my friend comes behind me and hops on too. We both started taking pictures because the view was so pretty and the sunset was out. Today was a pretty chilly day but it was okay.
  I was feeling like pushing my friend off the side but I remembered how high up it was and I didn’t wanna seriously hurt her. Even if she would’ve fallen on the rubber chips I’m pretty sure if I fell I would’ve started screaming. So instead I just prank her.
  I pretended to push her and when she was going to slide off she gasped, but I caught her. That was the whole point for me to make her believe I was actually going to push her. I started laughing while trying to get her up. I couldn’t stop laughing and she was just staring at me with a thats-not-funny look. At least I didn’t actually push her off that’s the good part because if I did I would’ve felt really bad.
  Later on we were still on the dinosaur and we were just pushing and shoving each other out of the way. I think we really wanted to make one of ourselves fall off the dinosaur. But everytime we would push one another we would grab the other person so they wouldn’t fall. We were just fooling around with each other, that’s how we get along.


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