Slice of Life #14

  Today in school we had a rally for the school shooting in Florida. We had the choice to go to the rally or go to the lunchroom. I chose to go to the rally because I wanted to see what the students had worked on. So when I got to the rally one of my friends sat with me and we were right by the bleachers because I can't bend my leg so one of the gym teachers gave us chairs. Me and my friend were waiting for the rally to start.
 Some of the students started lining up to go up to speak. Some of the students started speaking and they actually came up with really good speeches, they were using words that would be used proffesionaly.
  When everyone was done with their speeches, everyone in the gym clapped one final time. Then, the Principal came to the microphone and said that we were going to be going outside to take a picture. But it wasn't just any picture, we were going to get all the students together to make a heart and make the number seventeen. We chose the number seventeen because in the shooting seventeen kids/staff lost their lives.
  I never lost anyone due to a shooting but when I heard the stories of the children at my school it really got to me. Some of their stories were really harsh. I knew some of the kids that were up speaking, and the way they cope with their loss is very surprsing. Because imagine loosing someone in a shooting you're probably angry and or upset. And I bet they went through a lot and lost a lot due to gun violence.
 My heart goes out to those who lost their family members and friends. Shooting at someone and taking childrens lives isn't the key to anything no matter what you're going through. And also gun laws should be more strict because little things that are allowed are turned into a kid getting killed. Kids in the high school didn't deserve anything that happened to them. Hopefully are government can listen to us and change gun laws.


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