Gratitude #15

    Gratitude means to be grateful for something or someone.

    I am grateful for my mom because she does everything around the house. She always asks me if I have homework so I don’t forget and get in trouble. She always asks for my help when it comes to heavy things so she doesn’t hurt herself. She always asks me if I am hungry so I don’t starve. She always asks if I’m okay because a mother knows when her daughter isn’t. She always tells me to look at what my dog is doing so I can realize how much more I have to appreciate in my life. She always says “I love you, have a good day at school” even if I don’t say anything back  I know she means it. She always says “How was school?” And I hit back with an attitude “Same as always mom (horrible).” My mom may thing I don’t notice the little things but I always see them coming one way or another.


  1. This was a very good post! It was well written and heartfelt. I loved reading it. Thank you for sharing this week.


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