Slice of Life #13

  My Uncle texted me on iMessage and said "you wanna play pool?" I was going to say no because he always ends up winning. But today I was feeling lucky or something like that. So I say "okay, but I might loose." And he said I won't try to beat you" so I decided to take my chances and went against him.
  We were right in the middle of the game, and I was actually doing pretty good. I wasn't doing bad or good, so it felt like an accomplishment. Because it's like he is the onlly one I have bad luck with playing. And then I was FaceTiming him too, so he got to see my actual reaction. While we were FaceTiming he started rambling about how in my old house I had a pool table. I didn't even know that, and that had me thinking about where it went.
  I was potting a whole bunch of the pool balls, and I had a really good feeling about the game. He kept telling me I was going to lose, but I thought I was going to win. So I'm making a whole bunch of shots, right? And I'm on my second last ball, but the 8 ball is right next to it. I hesitate to shoot it but it was literally right there and it felt like I had the chance to make it in. So as I'm aiming I'm making a little movie in my head on how it was going to play out. As you can tell as of my previous blog posts I make a lot of movies in my head that I could make a whole series.
 I shoot the ball with a lot of force, and I'm guessing thats what made me loose. The amount of force caused the white ball go in, the 8 ball go in, and of course the ball I was trying to get in. I was regreting not only putting a lot of force into it but playing againt my Uncle because to me he is a champion. So I tell him "bro your not going to believe what I just did" and he was like "what pot the white ball?" And I was like "well not just that but the 8 ball and orange ball." He started laughing so hard he was turning red, and he said "do you wanna play again?" And of course I said "no" because I wasn't taking the chances of lossing again. I lost pretty hard and it was all my fault, and he also said if I had been practicing and I told him yeah because I was. He just told me that my aim was good but to not just put a lot of force into it.
  After that I had lost all of my confidence and didn't even want to play anymore. I was playing against guests on the 8 Ball Pool game and for some reason I always beat them but not my Uncle. He's jsut too much of a champion for me, but I'm going to keep practicing so when I do have confidence again I'll beat him.


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