Slice of Life #11

  As I was walking out of my front door, I was wondering how difficult it was going to be to walk down the stairs. My little sister was right beside me walking down the stairs at the same speed. I smiled because she was showing a lot of empathy since I got on my crutches. She kept staring at my leg so I said “what” and she looked at me real innocent and said “nothing.”
  When I got down the stairs which felt like a whole mission. I took a deep breath and a break because it was a lot. Again I kept walking well half way walking. As I see the cars speeding by I loose control of myself and almost fall. I guess I was too busy looking at the cars that I got distracted and almost let go of my crutches.
   When I got to the car, I didn’t even have to ask my sister to open the door, she did it for me. My heart warmed up and she made my evening better. She was helping me all day, it felt like I wasn’t doing anything myself.
   When she opened the door she said “here Katie get in” I said “thank you Gator.” “Gator” was what my whole family called her for some weird reason. But today I was so thankful to have her because I would’ve been doing it all on my own.
    And she helped me agin by closing the door for me.


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