Snow Day #34

  When I saw the snow outside I was really shocked. I never seen so much snow ever in my life, there was like mountains of snow. I was walking home from school yesterday, and when I was next to the big mountains of snow I noticed some of them were taller than me. I was like “no way is snow taller than me.” I felt so short, it was crazy. When I was walking towards my house I stepped into the snow out of curiosity. It was so deep, I quickly took my foot back out of the snow because it was cold. I also got kind of mad because I wet my shoes with snow, and I don’t like dirtying my shoes. But anyways I’m kind of enjoying the snow, it helps not use so much of electricity because you already have the light outside.


  1. It was definitely a lot of snow! I love that even though you're not a fan of it, you found some positives with the snow. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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