Opposing View on Captivity

    Some people think that animals should be kept in captivity. According to Debate.org someone commented that animals are safer in zoo’s, because the workers feed them. That the animals won’t get attacked by other animals, and that animals take life risks in their natural habitat. Some people think that a zoo is a sign on protection over the animals. 34% of the website Debate.org think that animals should be kept in captivity and 66% think they shouldn’t. On the same website someone  commented saying that it would keep other animals away from predators, and if their weren’t zoo’s thousands of animals would’ve been extinct already. There are very few people that say animals should be held captive but more than that very few suggest not.


  1. Even though this isn't your personal viewpoint, I think you do a really good job arguing both sides. You use a lot of very good detail and evidence. Thank you for sharing your post this week.


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