September 14, 2017 Hello welcome to my blog! My name is Katelynn, I am 11 years old and I am in 6th grade, finally! Let me tell you a bit about myself. I love writing/journaling, I like history like Titanic, I am a big Cubs fan my favorite players are Báez, Rizzo, and Contreras. I also have love dogs and I love to read. I live in a tiny house with two floors with my sisters (Naomi, 21 and Vivienne, 4), also with my Mom and dog Ruffes who will turn a year old in October. A book I'm currently reading is " The wreck of the Titanic" what did I tell ya I love Titanic the grace and the beauty but also the sad tragedy. Also with 10 books on my shelf all about Titanic. The Cubs you say? I just went to there game yesterday. Mets vs. Cubs, of course the Cubes won 5-17. Also, I made the blog for my 6th grade English language arts class. In my blog I would include summarys about...
These sound like really great, achievable goals to work on throughout third quarter. Thank you for sharing your post this week.