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  One time I went to my friends lake house with one of our other friend. When we were there we went tubing, and it was really fun. The most fun part was when I got on the tube with one of her brothers, because my friends Dad said that it was almost impossible to get him off the tube, meaning it was going to be really fun. So me trying to have fun I said “okay I’m going on with him.” I got on and I was like “wow this is fun.” We got some really big waves and my friends Dad was going really fast. While I was talking to my friends brother, my friends Dad decided to go onto a really big wave, I would’ve still been on the tube if I was holding on to both straps, but since I was talking to him I was only holding on one. I didn’t see it coming when I flew up 10ft up in the air, and slapped onto the water really hard.
      I got back on the tub and went again, we were agin going really fast. This time I did the worst thing ever. I was holding on but then my hands were burning really bad, so I let go. And I literally did a back flip on her brother. While I was laughing, everyone else was so worried about me because they thought something happened to me, that’s how cool it was.


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