Sub Blog for “Create a Story” #16

   Once when I was 7 years old, I was at my cousins house because it was his birthday. It was at my grandmas house so I was comfortable. I ran upstairs to put my shoes on because as a little kid of course I was barefooted and outside. I got upstairs, put my shoes on, tied them, and ran back downstairs. My older sister was right behind me, because she helped me put my shoes on. She followed me from behind while I ran down the stairs. When me and my sister were outside I close the door behind me without looking, and when I felt the pain in my fingers I yell and scream, and I look up to see my fingers stuck on the door. Everyone at the party rushed to me, to open the door, to revile my fingers hanging. My mom and my older sister rushed me to the hospital. My sister wrapped me up in a blanket and they drove me. I had to get stitches on two fingers, and stayed with the stitches for a full week and maybe longer. I don’t remember all the details about this crazy event in my childhood but I remember yelling because of the pain.


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