
Showing posts from January, 2018

Opposing View on Captivity

    Some people think that animals should be kept in captivity. According to someone commented that animals are safer in zoo’s, because the workers feed them. That the animals won’t get attacked by other animals, and that animals take life risks in their natural habitat. Some people think that a zoo is a sign on protection over the animals. 34% of the website think that animals should be kept in captivity and 66% think they shouldn’t. On the same website someone  commented saying that it would keep other animals away from predators, and if their weren’t zoo’s thousands of animals would’ve been extinct already. There are very few people that say animals should be held captive but more than that very few suggest not.

Goals for Quarter 3

   My goals for quarter 3 are to not get anymore fouls. Such as forgetting my uniform, or not having a charged iPad. Another goal is to be more responsible such as turning in my work in on time, and my homework. My last goal is to pay attention in class, and focus on the work that’s given to me. I want to work harder to get better grades then second quarter.

Movie Review: Blackfish

   I like the movie very much. I was really interested in watching it because of the killer whale. My first reaction when I saw that Tilikum was violent was shocking because whales aren’t normally violent. I only watched a bit of it, but from what I watched I didn’t like the behavior of the people at Sea World. Tilikum was violent because he was bullied and was taken from his natural habitat, and of course he was going to have a killer instinct. I believe whales & orcas could be released because it’s not fair that they complain about the whales killing the trainers, but don’t do anything to avoid it. Of course they can see it coming, it’s been done before what makes them think it won’t happen again. I don’t think it was Dawn’s fault that she was killed, because she was trying to perform I doubt she thought anything of it. I liked the movie  Blackfish  its very interesting and it’s a movie I would recommend to anyone.

Movie Review: Blackfish

   I like the movie very much. I was really interested in watching it because of the killer whale. My first reaction when I saw that Tilikum was violent was shocking because whales aren’t normally violent. I only watched a bit of it, but from what I watched I didn’t like the behavior of the people at Sea World. Tilikum was violent because he was bullied and was taken from his natural habitat, and of course he was going to have a killer instinct. I believe whales & orcas could be released because it’s not fair that they complain about the whales killing the trainers, but don’t do anything to avoid it. Of course they can see it coming, it’s been done before what makes them think it won’t happen again. I don’t think it was Dawn’s fault that she was killed, because she was trying to perform I doubt she thought anything of it. I liked the movie Blackfish its very interesting and it’s a movie I would recommend to anyone.

Free Post

  One time I went to my friends lake house with one of our other friend. When we were there we went tubing, and it was really fun. The most fun part was when I got on the tube with one of her brothers, because my friends Dad said that it was almost impossible to get him off the tube, meaning it was going to be really fun. So me trying to have fun I said “okay I’m going on with him.” I got on and I was like “wow this is fun.” We got some really big waves and my friends Dad was going really fast. While I was talking to my friends brother, my friends Dad decided to go onto a really big wave, I would’ve still been on the tube if I was holding on to both straps, but since I was talking to him I was only holding on one. I didn’t see it coming when I flew up 10ft up in the air, and slapped onto the water really hard.       I got back on the tub and went again, we were agin going really fast. This time I did the worst thing ever. I was holding on but then my hands were burning really bad, so

Slice of Life

   Last Thursday I asked two of my friends if they could come to my house so I could give them their Christmas presents. They walked home with me, and I was just chatting with them. When we got towards my house I quickly ran to get the presents. I ran back outside, and I couldn’t find them. I was kind of scared because I couldn’t find them. I hear some laughing, and go to my alley to find them jumping in the puddles. It had rained the night before, and I guess they were taking advantage of it. It was really funny because they were enjoying it. I was kind of shocked because they both had white shoes and I would’ve flipped if I got them dirty. They didn’t notice I was there u til I started laughing at them. They turned around and kept jumping in the water, and I just handed them their presents while laughing.

Map Testing

   For map testing I on,y went up on one of my tests which was my math test. I was trying really hard on my reading test, but I got kind of annoyed because I had to read a lot, and my head was hurting already. Also on my English language arts test I went down. My favorite test out of all of them was my math test, not because I went up but because it’s my favorite subject out of all my classses and I already had the feeling I was going to go up on that test.

Fiction vs. Non-Fiction


Forgiveness and Honesty

Forgivness:  What forgiveness is, allowing yourself and the other person move on from a situation. Or simply just having empathy for another person.   From others point of view forgiveness is important. But from my point of view it really isn’t. I’m not really sure why it isn’t to me but I guess it’s just not.   I don’t tend to forgive someone easily unless it’s something that’s very little and didn’t bother me much. But if it’s something that I really didn’t like it would take time for that person to be forgiven. Honesty:   Honesty is when your being truthful about something.    I think honesty is important even if it’s something bad to be honest about, it’s still good to be honest about something.    I am a pretty honest person, but in some situations I can get nervous and lie. But afterwords I always end up telling the truth. With me it’s kind of like I’ll lie but then 30 minutes later I end up telling the truth. But if I’m telling the truth I’ll go days saying it wasn

Xmas Break: How to Stay Productive

    I’m not sure I’m going to be productive over break because I always lose focus on school over break. But some things I can do over break to stay productive is, Khan Academy, IXL, or blog posts. I can work on my old blog posts that I still haven’t done. I can also work on mastering my IXL’s because I really like mastering them. Or something simple I can’t do is read a couple pages a day from my independent book from ELA.

Winter Break

    I didn’t do much over winter break, I went to the movies twice but I think that’s it. I wasn’t productive over break because I didn’t feel like it, but I was quick and finished all my work when school started. I didn’t really like break because I was bored, and I got sick. I was sick for like four days and it wasn’t good. I saw some of my friends over break and that was the good part. I went to the movies with one of my friends from school and we saw Pitch Perfect 3, but I was sick so I fell asleep three times while watching it. I also went to the movies with my family, we went to go watch Ferdinand for my little sister.

2018 Resolutions

    My New Years resolutions/goals are to pay attention more in class because I don’t really pay attention and then when it’s time to work I don’t know what to do. Another one is to remember my gym uniform more often because it’ll also decrease my fouls. Last one is to stay on top of my blog posts and finish them on time, because then I loose balance and end up not doing them, and they’re a big part of my grade so it’ll make em better.

If I were President

       If I were president I would ban kids from drinking soda because it isn’t good for kids to drink soda. I would not make a law of immigration because I think it is really disgusting that to people. I kind of don’t like the idea of having to pay 7 cents for a plastic bag that you’re most likely to throw away. At the same time I do like it because those 7 cents can go to the state so they can improve the stores and the roads. I would improve the roads and making plants or flowers. As a president I would make the law of every kid getting an education, no matter what race or gender.