Forgiveness and Honesty

 What forgiveness is, allowing yourself and the other person move on from a situation. Or simply just having empathy for another person.

  From others point of view forgiveness is important. But from my point of view it really isn’t. I’m not really sure why it isn’t to me but I guess it’s just not.

  I don’t tend to forgive someone easily unless it’s something that’s very little and didn’t bother me much. But if it’s something that I really didn’t like it would take time for that person to be forgiven.

  Honesty is when your being truthful about something.

   I think honesty is important even if it’s something bad to be honest about, it’s still good to be honest about something.

   I am a pretty honest person, but in some situations I can get nervous and lie. But afterwords I always end up telling the truth. With me it’s kind of like I’ll lie but then 30 minutes later I end up telling the truth. But if I’m telling the truth I’ll go days saying it wasn’t a lie. I’m a pretty weird person I know.


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