Welcome to my Blog

September 14, 2017

           Hello welcome to my blog! My name is Katelynn, I am 11 years old and I am in 6th grade, finally! Let me tell you a bit about myself. I love writing/journaling, I like history like Titanic, I am a big Cubs fan my favorite players are Báez, Rizzo, and Contreras. I also have love dogs and I love to read. I live in a tiny house with two floors with my sisters (Naomi, 21 and Vivienne, 4), also with my Mom and dog Ruffes who will turn a year old in October. A book I'm currently reading is " The wreck of the Titanic" what did I tell ya I love Titanic the grace and the beauty but also the sad tragedy. Also with 10 books on my shelf all about Titanic. The Cubs you say? I just went to there game yesterday. Mets vs. Cubs, of course the Cubes won 5-17. 
         Also, I made the blog for my 6th grade English language arts class. In my blog I would include summarys about my life, book reviews, and much more! Until next time, see ya!


  1. Hi Katelynn! I've loved getting to read your post and learning all these things about you. I look forward to reading more of your posts throughout the year.

    1. Yeah, your posts are great. Your personality and shhtufff shows in your writing, and it’s almost like I’m having a conversation with you without saying anything!

  2. I love the Cubs... Great job

  3. Hi Kate! Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself.

  4. Thanks for sharing, I liked how you said a bit about yourself and about what you like.

  5. Hi!

    I really like how you expressed yourself through this post. May I ask what kind of sport do the cubs play? Do they play baseball, or football etc.

    Can you please check out my blog please : http://emerywgms24.edublogs.org/

    1. They play baseball, thanks for commenting!

  6. You have no idea how happy it makes me that writing and reading are both listed as some of the things that you love!


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